- Magnet - Smile
- Magnet - Smile & laught
- Magnet - Solange mir den schal passt...
- Magnet - Some people think football is a matter of life and death...
- Magnet - Some things just fill your heart without trying
- Magnet - Some things just fill your heart without trying
- Magnet - Someone else is thankful for less than what you have
- Magnet - Sometimes you win, sometimes you learn
- Magnet - Sorry
- Magnet - Soul
- Magnet - Sport gibt dir das gefühl...
- Magnet - Sport gibt dir das gefühl...
- Magnet - STOP
- Magnet - Stop chasing your mind...
- Magnet - Stress is caused by being "here"....
- Magnet - Sweet heart*
- Magnet - Take care of your body...
- Magnet - Take time to be offline
- Magnet - Take time to do...
- Magnet - Teenager in the house
- Magnet - The best party always happens in the kitchen
- Magnet - The best tonic has a large gin in it !
- Magnet - The less you care, the happier you will be
- Magnet - The worst day of golf beats
- Magnet - Theoretisch kann ich praktisch alles !
- Magnet - There are more things to life than golf
- Magnet - There are more things to life than golf...
- Magnet - There is no elevator to...
- Magnet - there is no finish line...
- Magnet - Think happy, be happy
- Magnet - This house runs on love, laughter & prosecco*
- Magnet - Time to drink champagne and dance on the table
- Magnet - Time to drink prosecco and dance on the table
- Magnet - Tired parents, happy kids
- Magnet - Today's forecast: 99 % chance for wine.
- Magnet - Together is our favorite place to be
- Magnet - Together we so rock
- Magnet - Tomorrow:
- Magnet - Tool rules...
- Magnet - Tritt ein !
- Magnet - Tryly, Madly, Deeply
- Magnet - Two is better than one
- Magnet - Und immer wenn wir lachen...
- Magnet - Unkraut an selbstpflücker zu verkaufen
- Magnet - Unsere Fenster sind nicht schmutzig...
- Magnet - Unsere Fenster sind nicht schmutzig...
- Magnet - Unterbrich nie eine frau...
- Magnet - Vor dem ersten kaffee...
- Magnet - Vorsicht...
- Magnet - Warum ich unter 1,70 gross bin?
- Magnet - Was heute nicht richtig ist...
- Magnet - Was immer ihr euch vorstellt...
- Magnet - We were born to be real not to be perfect
- Magnet - We'll be friends until...
- Magnet - Wegen reichtum geschlossen
- Magnet - Weihnachts bäckerei
- Magnet - Wein
- Magnet - Weise
- Magnet - Weisst du was das wichtigste im leben ist?
- Magnet - Welcome
- Magnet - Welcome friends
- Magnet - Wenn das leben kompliziert...
- Magnet - Wenn die andderen glauben...
- Magnet - Wenn du nicht weisst...
- Magnet - Wenn eine schraube locker ist...
- Magnet - Wenn ich alt bin, werde ich nur...
- Magnet - Wenn ich dir recht gebe...
- Magnet - Wenn man glücklich ist...
- Magnet - Wenn man schokolade im dunkeln isst
- Magnet - Wer mich nicht mag, der muss halt...
- Magnet - Wer sagt, dass man glück nicht kaufen kann...
- Magnet - Wetter
- Magnet - What are you, thankful for?
- Magnet - what others think of you is...
- Magnet - Whatever comes, let it come...
- Magnet - Whatever you are be a good one
- Magnet - When a woman says...
- Magnet - When it rains, look for rainbows...
- Magnet - When life gives you lemons...
- Magnet - When life is sweet, say thank you and celebrate...
- Magnet - When the past comes knocking don't answer...
- Magnet - When the wrong people leave your life
- Magnet - When you darling, i am home
- Magnet - When you talk...
- Magnet - When you're stressed...
- Magnet - Wherever we are, it is our friends that make our world
- Magnet - Whoever said that diamonds are a girl's best friend...
- Magnet - Whoever said that diamonds are a girl's best friend...
- Magnet - Willst du glücklich sein?
- Magnet - Wine
- Magnet - Wine improves with ages, and I...
- Magnet - Wine snob
- Magnet - Wir können nicht verhindern...
- Magnet - Wir sind die...
- Magnet - with enough coffee i could rule the world*
- Magnet - With my whole heart, for my whole life
- Magnet - Work hard...
- Magnet - Während einer geburt hat eine frau...
- Magnet - You are my happy
- Magnet - You are so weird, but i love you